Resources for Social Witness & Justice Advocacy

These resources are available as free downloads to support your justice.advocacy. If you would like to support the work of DC4PW in promoting these and other resources to congregations and faith-based groups, and also at events and gatherings, please click HERE.

United States


A Series of Devotions on Women and Children, Hunger and Poverty, Creation Care, and Immigration.


environmental justice with indigenous peoples

This resource will help equip Christian communities explore the impact the Doctrine of Discovery has had on the United States, the Church, our relationships with one another, our relationship with God's creation, and, ultimately, our relationship with God.

justice AdvocAcy: A resource for churches

This book strives to inspire local church efforts to advocate for justice. Together we discern the possible actions we can take individually and together in service of justice.

living as spirit blessed communities

Encountering immigration issues through devotions. In seven sessions, you are invited to read selected scripture passages, and then to read an accompanying short devotional thought.

justice primer

Each of the four reflections in this booklet highlights a facet of what it means to be a disciple, a follower of the living Christ. Helpful study questions appear in the back of the booklet. This resource can be used for new member classes, adult Sunday school classes, study groups, special programs, and sermon starters.


who's behind the platter?

Farm workers make our meals possible, including those food-filled holidays and events in which many of us share meals with family and friends. And so, many tables are full of food, but at what cost to the farm workers whose hard work makes it possible for us to have this food on our tables?


the advent of justice

Produced by Citizens for Public Justice, this book of reflections has four friends coming together to lead us more deeply into Advent as a time of profound hope for the coming of God's good kingdom of shalom while also a time of lament and anguish in the face of injustice.


living ecological justice

Produced by Citizens for Public Justice, this is a faith-based learning tool for Canadian Christians trying to live out the justice mandate to care and advocate for creation. 

indigenous wisdom: living in harmony with mother earth

This KAIROS publication explores how the ancestral wisdom of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas can guide us as we face unprecedented challenges from climate change and related ecological crises.


re-energize: time for a carbon sabbath

A variety of materials for inspiration, from worship to workshops to a 100 Mile Church picnic, to deepen your understanding on the climate crisis and help you practice a lower-carbon lifestyle.

cpj's advocacy toolkit

CPJ’s Advocacy Toolkit is designed to help you influence the legislative process. This guide provides tools for people with various levels of ability, with useful information about different methods of advocacy, when to use each, and how to voice concerns most effectively.


living justice: a gospel response to poverty

This is a resource for people interested in learning more about the situation of poverty in Canada, exploring the Christian call to respond, and searching for ways to engage and create change.